Sabado, Pebrero 4, 2012

Painted Skin- Chinese TV Series

The film is set sometime in between the late Qin Dynasty and early Han Dynasty. Xiaowei is a fox spirit who feasts on human hearts in order to maintain her lovely, youthful appearance. When General Wang Sheng rescues her from a band of Xiongnu and brings her home, trouble brews as the demon falls in love with the general, who is married to Peirong.
Another older love triangle is present, between Pang Yong, Wang Sheng and Peirong. Pang Yong is a former general who was in love with Peirong, but eventually lost her to Wang Sheng. Peirong asks Pang Yong for help as she suspects Xiaowei for what she really is. Pang is aided by an inexperienced "demon hunter", a young female fighter called Xia Bing. Hints of a developing relationship between Xia and Pang are there, although this is never fully explored. Another subplot revolves around Xiaowei's demon ally, who is actually morphed from a chameleon, and who also has unreciprocated feelings for Xiaowei and helps her obtain all the human hearts she needs to maintain her human "skin", whom many a times almost got caught by Wang's soldiers, thus enraging Xiao Wei into chasing him off despite his pleas and advise that a love between demon and human is impossible and to let him stay by her side.
One night, Pei Rong found out about Xiao Wei's true form when she undresses and peeled off her human skin right in front of her very eyes. Horrified at her findings, she tried again and again to tell Wang of Xiao Wei's true nature, but he brushes them off as her being tired and fatigue and told her to rest more. Pei Rong went back to Xiao Wei's residence and confronted her. Xiao Wei told Pei Rong that she wanted to be Madam Wang, and told her to back down. Pei Rong made Xiao Wei swear that she won't feast on another human's heart in order to be youthful and love Wang Sheng faithfully until they're aged. Xiao Wei agreed and forced Pei Rong to drink a potion which would make her the 'demon' while she becomes Madam Wang. After drinking the potion, Pei Rong's hair and skin turned white like Xiao Wei's true form and in order to keep her promise, she ran away from Wang residence while everyone framed her for being the demon. Pang Yong came and rescued Pei Rong just as she is about to die and together with Xia Bing, they ran off to a nearby mountain's cave and hide there.
Xia Bing recounted her grandfather's experience that the color white is the most poisonous form of demon's poison, and the whiter Pei Rong is, the closer she is to death. Wang Sheng arrived with his soldiers and Xiao Wei with her maidservants, whom all wanted to kill Pei Rong. Wang Sheng shouted to his soldiers that he will kill her himself if she really is the demon. Tearfully, Wang Sheng asked Pei Rong if she really killed humans and if she really is the demon, all of which she answered yes tearfully. Wang Sheng announces that even if she is a demon, she is his Pei Rong, and she is still his wife. Smiling, Pei Rong impaled herself with a dagger Wang Sheng is holding and died in his embrace. Xiao wei tried to gain Wang Sheng's affection by getting closer to him, but he only cried sadly while holding on to Pei Rong's body. At that moment, Xiao Wei realized that no matter what she did, Wang Sheng will never love her.
Heartbroken, Pang Yong shouted to the entire soldiers troupe that Xiao Wei is the real demon, not Pei Rong, and he proved it by trying to slash Xiao Wei but couldn't since Xiao Wei's body is as hard as steel. Pang Yong almost got defeated when Wang Sheng came towards Xiao Wei. He knelt down in front of her and tearfully begged her to bring Pei Rong back to life. Xiao Wei, heartbroken, asked Wang Sheng what would she get if she bring her back to life, and Wang Sheng told her that he loves Xiao Wei, but he already have Pei Rong, and killed himself. Xiao Wei screamed her heart out and her skin whitened to her demon form but her hair still remained black. Xiao Wei willingly gave Wang Sheng her life power in the form of a small sphere, but before she could bring Wang Sheng back to life, her demon ally, the chameleon came and snatched it from her, reprimanding her for her willingness to sacrifice her power which she had cultivated from thousand of years. He swallowed it and told her that he is going to take her back home.
Pang Yong and Xia Bing fought the chameleon, and at last, Xia Bing drew out a demon slaying sword and killed the chameleon, but not before the chameleon killed Pang Yong. Xiao Wei tearfully gathered two of the glowing life spheres, one of hers while the other of the chameleon's. She crushed it and dies as Pei Rong and Wang Sheng came back to life. Everyone in the cave who had died were brought back to life as well, including Pang Yong.

Shinsengumi Keppuroku- Japanese TV Series

Shinsengumi Keppuroku 2011 TV Mini Series
STARRING: Nagai Masaru Takuma Takayuki Tsujimoto Yuki Maeda Aki

Based on Shiba Ryotaro’s legendary novel. The arrival of Perry's Black Ships rudely awakened Japan from 300 years of peaceful isolation from the world. Men set their eyes beyond Japan and began to demand change in society. Old clashed with the new, and thus began an age of turmoil.

Amidst this confusion, one group remained true to the old ways and risked their lives to preserve the traditional shogunate system. Led by their charismatic captain, Kondo Isami, the SHINSENGUMI upheld the code of honor of the samurai. Tales abound of the feats of men like Kondo, Hijikata Toshizo and Okita Soshi.

Amaya- Philippine TV Series

The story is set in Central Visayas in the 1500's during the time of Rajah Mangubat's reign. He was not only known as a good warrior, but also as an undefeated one. Nobody stood a chance against him especially with his extraordinary battle skills and his magical amulet.Not long after a village priestess prphesizes that there will be a day that he will be defeated.

Rajah Mangubat becomes anxious about the prophecy not only because he will evetually be defeated, but also because the person who will take over his power is a girl. A girl who has a snake for a twin. With this, he orders all pregnant women in his own village tribe and also in others to be killed. Datu bugna's village is the only one that survives Rajah Mangubat's terror because they have long been friends and alliances.
What Rajah Mangubat doesn't know is that the baby girl that he has been looking for to be killed has been born in Datu Bugna's village. Amaya is Datu Bugna's daughter from Dal'lang, a slave woman. And because he wants to protect Amaya, he hides her in a secret chamber as a "binukot" and tells her that Dal'lang, is already dead. Amaya's twin snake is thrown away to the forest and is told taht it may only come back if Amaya is in dire need of help.

Amaya has once attempted to escape from her chamber when she wanted to see the outside world for the first time. That was when she saw Prince Bagani for the first time. They immediately fell in love with each other. No matter the distance and the years that have passed, they still have not forgotten that day when they first met.

Because of Lamitan's evil desire to get rid of Amaya, she betrays her husband Datu Bugna and tells Rajah Mangubat her husband's plan of revolt. Rajah Mangubat's men take Amaya from her chamber and use her as blackmail to make Datu Bugna confess. He eventually does and Rajah Mangubat kills him in front of Amaya.

Rajah Mangubat takes Amaya to his village and there, turns her as one of her slaves. Amaya sees the treacherous Lamitan and becomes enraged with her father's double-crossing wife. She promises that she will do anything to avenge her father. But Rajah Mangubat still has no idea about Amaya's true identity- the girl with the twin snake.

Amaya is surprised to see her long lost love, Bagani, but is devastated to find out that he is Rajah Mangubat's son. Bagani is shocked as well when he finds out that the girl he once fell in love with is now a slave. In spite of this, he still remains in love with her. However, Amaya tries to get rid of her feelings for him all for him for her father's sake.

Dae Jang Geum- Korean TV Series

This was a period TV series from South Korea that fires up the peoples interest to Korean Cuisine especially the foods that were featured in the TV Series.
Dae Jang Geum focuses on the life of Jang-geum (Lee Young Ae), the first female royal physician in the Chosun Dynasty in Korea. The main theme is her perseverance, and also the portrayal of traditional Korean culture, including royal court cuisine & medicine.Dae Jang Geum or Jewel In The Palace is a 2003 TV Series produced by Korean TV channel MBC. About 500 years ago during the time of Chosun Dynasty, Korea boasted a rigidly hierarchical and male dominated social structure. Set in this period, Jewel in the Palace is based on a true story about a legendary girl (Jang-Geum) who became the first woman to be the supreme royal physician of her times. Desp...ite her poor condition as a low class girl in the male dominated society, Jang-Geum overcame a series of social discrimination and landed herself as a royal cook, later becoming the royal physician, then ultimately the physician in charge of the king. She was even given by the king the title The Great Jang-Geum. The story of her checkered life on her success and breakdown as well as her love story beautifully unfold. Jewel in the Palace is sure to touch your heart.